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- Nos bureaux - Association Emergence
Headquarters Social Emergence Association, 12 rue Louis Mirault, 37000 Towers Open Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Here you will find the administrative services of the Association, reception centers , accommodation and Health Nos Structures Centre médical Porte Ouverte Plateforme de coordination et d'orientation médicale Restaurant Social Halte de Jour Accueil Familles La Nuitée Mater'Nuitée Siège Social Hébergement d'Urgence : -Demande d'Asile -Tout Public Accueil de Nuit Apprentissage de la langue française Inter'Médiation Locative : -Ukraine -Tout Public Le Village Le "47" Espace d'accueil
- Mentions Légales | emergence
Legal Notice EDITOR INFORMATION The website emergence-tours.org is edited by the EMERGENCE association Association law 1901 Headquarters: 12 rue Louis Mirault 37000 TOURS - France Phone +33 9 72 59 06 29 contact@emergence-tours.fr PUBLICATION MANAGERS Bernard ROYER - President Nathalie BERTRAND - Director ACCOMMODATION Wix IMPLEMENTATION Elodie LEDUC - BTS Communication apprentice INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY In accordance with the Intellectual Property Code and more generally with all agreements containing provisions relating to copyright, the partial or total reproduction of texts, images or illustrations not explicitly intended to be downloaded by visitors, is prohibited without the prior authorization of the publisher or any rights holder. RESPONSIBILITIES The use of the information contained on this site is the sole responsibility of its user. All the resources contained in this site, texts, visuals and illustrations (diagrams, drawings, plans, photographs and computer animations) are communicated for information purposes only and cannot in any way engage the responsibility of the publisher. Indeed, despite the wish of the publisher to provide the most accurate information possible and to ensure regular updating of the website, the latter is not responsible for inaccuracies, inaccuracies, errors or possible omissions relating to the information contained on the site or the results obtained by the use and practice of the information delivered on this communication medium. EXERCISE OF THE RIGHT OF ACCESS In accordance with article 34 of the law "Informatique et Libertés", you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. To exercise this right of access, contact the publisher. For more information on the "Informatique et Libertés" law, you can consult the website of the CNIL
- Actualités | emergence
OUR NEWS Work on the new premises of the Halte du Matin continues at 47 rue Jules Guesdes Fin de l'évènement Une ouverture et un voyage culinaire pour une découverte de différentes cultures !
- Rapport Annuel | emergence
Download the 2018 Annual Report
- Média/Presse - Association Emergence
They talk about us ! ARTICLES Lire Articles MEDIA Regarder Médias
- Pôle Santé - Association Emergence
THE HEALTH POLE I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. Let your users get to know you. Le Centre Porte Ouverte 1 Place Anne de Bretagne, 37000 Tours Drop-in center providing medical and dental care to anyone without health coverage* Open 5 days a week, Monday to Friday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. 02 47 66 63 22 The team is made up of volunteers: general practitioners and specialists, nurses, as well as reception staff *exclusively to CPO patients Access to health rights 1 Place Anne de Bretagne, 37000 Tours A social worker ensures 3 permanences per week for openings of health rights Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Access to health rights 1 Place Anne de Bretagne, 37000 Tours A social worker ensures 3 permanences per week for openings of health rights Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
- PICTO | emergence
818 passages to Family reception 365 consultations at Open Door Center 602 nights counted at Overnight stay 1086 meals served at social restaurant 2509 passages to the Morning stop
- Blog | emergence
Tous les posts Search No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. Association News
- Organisation - Association Emergence
Our Organization
- Historique - Association Emergence
Our history In 1998 , five Touraine associations, including l'Etape Halte de Jour, la Nuitée and the Center Porte Ouverte, came together and shared a post of social worker. In 2009 , a mother association was created: Emergence. It is developing by integrating the 3 associations: La Nuitée , l'Etape Halte de Jour and the Center Porte Ouverte Concrete answers to emergencies while respecting the rights of each individual while offering support and support adapted to each individual.